
Classified Info

Toro Rosso Front Wing Assembly (Complete)

£14,975 GBP


Toro Rosso Front Wing Assembly (Complete)

A complete genuine race part, used in 2018 on Pierre Gasly’s.

Full provenance can be supplied to genuine enquiries.

To be sold with a Chrome display stand and a Packing case that is on wheels. The case measures 145cm x 199cm x 47cm

Please phone to arrange inspection.


Seller Info

by Graham Lorimer
Published: 14 October 2023 (9 months ago)
£14,975 GBP
Member Since
20 May 2017
Phone Number
07730 676576
Phone Number 2
0044 7730 676576
Currency Options
Seller Accepts
Bank Transfer
Phone Number 2
0044 7730 676576