
Classified Info

EZ Up Eclipse 6x3m Opel Adam Cup Awning, Sides, Weights, Deluxe Roller Bag

£725 GBP


EZ Up Eclipse 6x3m Opel Adam Cup Awning

with sides (one printed, 5 black)

Deluxe Roller Bag for safe storage

EZ Up weight bags

In great condition as per photographs (In the photo with a line of matching awnings mine is the first one nearest the camera). Also comes with a genuine from EZ Up bolt replacement kit, for just in case any ever are needed.

Collection fron Newbridge, South Wales

Or we are at a good few rallies, next being Tour of Epynt if that would suit, it can be brought with us!

Would come in at over £1200 for a plain black version, custom printing obviously a good chunk more!

Seller Info

by Shorty87
Published: 23 May 2024 (3 weeks ago)
£725 GBP
Member Since
11 Mar 2016
Newbridge, South Wales
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Cash on Collection
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